Women Leading on Climate is supporting changemakers around the world, and elevating the voices of incredible leaders working on climate. See what they had to say at COP26.
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Let's flood the internet with videos of why climate matters to women and girls around the world. The time is now, our voice is strong:
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We streamed live on November 5, from the floor of COP26 in Glasgow. Check it out!
We are accelerating women’s leadership on climate solutions.
In May 2018, as Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna created and hosted a global summit, Women Kicking it on Climate.
Her words at the time: “I am privileged to work with so many fearless women who are climate leaders. We know women and girls are particularly at risk when it comes to climate change, and yet women are also at the forefront of bold climate leadership around the world. Together, women are turning ideas into solutions.”
The rationale was to bring together fearless women leading on climate in communities around the world who are working in a variety of sectors – public, private, academic and civil society. The event was a great success and an amazing network of women was created.
We seek to:
McKenna has partnered with Student Energy, an incredible youth-led organization that empowers the next generation of leaders who are accelerating the transition to a sustainable, equitable energy future. It has a network of 50,000 young people from over 120 countries.